Troubleshooting Tekton Triggers

This page describes the debugging methods you can use to diagnose and fix issues with Tekton Triggers.

Gathering EventListener logs

You can gather EventListener logs using the Tekton tkn CLI tool or the Kubernetes kubectl CLI tool.

Use the following tkn command to gather EventListener logs:

$ tkn eventlistener logs

See the tkn CLI tool documentation page for this config for more information.

Use the following kubectl command to gather EventListener logs:

$ kubectl logs deploy/el-<insert name of eventlistener> -n <namespace>

To get a list of EventListeners for a given namespace, use the following command:

$ kubectl get el -n <namespace>
NAME                  ADDRESS                                                        AVAILABLE   REASON
test-event-listener   http://el-test-event-listener.default.svc.cluster.local:8080   True        MinimumReplicasAvailable

Configuring debug logging for EventListeners

By default, Tekton Triggers creates a Kubernetes ConfigMap named config-logging-triggers in the namespace of the target EventListener. To view this ConfigMap, use the following command:

$ kubectl get cm -n <namespace>
NAME                      DATA   AGE
config-logging-triggers   2      28m

Below is a typical config-logging-listeners ConfigMap:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: config-logging-triggers
  loglevel.eventlistener: info
  zap-logger-config: '{"level": "info","development": false,"sampling": {"initial":
    100,"thereafter": 100},"outputPaths": ["stdout"],"errorOutputPaths": ["stderr"],"encoding":
    "json","encoderConfig": {"timeKey": "ts","levelKey": "level","nameKey": "logger","callerKey":
    "caller","messageKey": "msg","stacktraceKey": "stacktrace","lineEnding": "","levelEncoder":
    "","timeEncoder": "iso8601","durationEncoder": "","callerEncoder": ""}}'

To enable debug-level logging in Tekton Triggers, use the following command:

$ kubectl patch cm config-logging-triggers -n <namespace> -p '{"data": {"loglevel.eventlistener": "debug"}}'

The EventListener responds with a confirmation of the new logging level. For example:

{"level":"info","ts":"2021-02-10T08:42:10.950Z","logger":"eventlistener","caller":"logging/config.go:207","msg":"Updating logging level for eventlistener from debug to info.","":"eventlistener","":{},"":{"file":"","line":"207","function":""}}

From this point on, every HTTP request that the EventListener logs contains additional information. For example:

{"level":"debug","ts":"2021-02-10T08:42:30.915Z","logger":"eventlistener","caller":"sink/sink.go:93","msg":"EventListener: demo-event-listener in Namespace: default handling event (EventID: 9x4mb) with path /testing, payload: {\"testing\": \"value\"} and header: map[Accept:[*/*] Content-Length:[20] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded] User-Agent:[curl/7.61.1] X-Auth:[testing]]","":"eventlistener","/triggers-eventid":"9x4mb","":{},"":{"file":"","line":"93","function":""}}

WARNING: The EventListener logs all payload headers verbatim. This includes any sensitive information the headers might contain.

To disable debug-level logging, use the following command:

$ kubectl patch cm config-logging-triggers -n <namespace> -p '{"data": {"loglevel.eventlistener": "info"}}'

This returns the logging level to info.

Troubleshooting JSONPath issues

You may see the following message in your logs:

{"level":"error","ts":"2021-02-10T08:43:47.409Z","logger":"eventlistener","caller":"sink/sink.go:230","msg":"failed to ApplyEventValuesToParams: failed to replace JSONPath value for param message: $(body.message): message is not found","":"eventlistener","/triggers-eventid":"c8f88","/trigger":"demo-trigger","":{},"":{"file":"","line":"230","function":""},"stacktrace":"\n\\\n\"}

This means that the selected Interceptor is unable to parse the structure of the received JSON payload. To troubleshoot this, you must capture and inspect the payload for inconsistencies.

Troubleshooting signature and token errors

When sending a hook protected by a secret, GitHub includes an X-Hub-Signature object in the header, while GitLab includes an X-GitLab-Token object. You may see no X-Hub-Signature set and/or no X-GitLab-Token header set errors in your logs in one of the following scenarios:

  • If you specify a secret in your Interceptor but don’t specify it in the hook.
  • You are sending unsigned payloads to an Interceptor that expects signed payloads.

Note that depending on how you have configured your Tekton Triggers stack, these errors may not indicate an actual problem. For example, your stack may include some Interceptors that expect signed payloads and some that expected unsigned payloads. Since Tekton Triggers processes all Interceptors concurrently, Interceptors that expect signed payloads will log the above errors, while Interceptors that expect unsigned payloads will process those payloads successfully.

Last modified January 1, 0001