Experimental Features

This doc covers experimental features in Tekton Chains.

Currently, experimental features include:

Transparency Log Support

Chains supports automatic binary uploads to a transparency log and defaults to using Rekor. If enabled, all signatures and attestations will be logged. The entry ID will be appended as an annotation on a TaskRun once Chains has uploaded it:

chains.tekton.dev/transparency: https://rekor.sigstore.dev/7599

Enabling Transparency Log Support

To enable, run:

kubectl patch configmap chains-config -n tekton-chains -p='{"data":{"transparency.enabled": "true"}}'

Right now, Chains default to storing entries in Rekor (https://rekor.sigstore.dev). To customize where entries are stored, run:

kubectl patch configmap chains-config -n tekton-chains -p='{"data":{"transparency.url": "<YOUR URL>"}}'

Keyless Signing Mode

Chains also supports a keyless signing mode with Fulcio, sigstore’s free root certificate authority.

In this mode, instead of setting up a signing key, Chains would request an identity token from the cluster it is running in. This identity token will be used to authorize a Fulcio certificate for a Tekton artifact (OCI image or TaskRun). Currently, this experimental feature only works on a GKE cluster with Workload Identity configured (Workload Identity is required for Chains to be able to request an identity token).

Once Chains has successfully requested a certificate, it will store the cert as a base64 encoded annotation on the TaskRun, along with the payload and signature.

This can look like:

Annotations:  chains.tekton.dev/cert-taskrun-57e7ef8e-13fb-4d27-af6e-dc4d68f73cc4:
              chains.tekton.dev/signed: true
              chains.tekton.dev/transparency: https://rekor.sigstore.dev/7599
              pipeline.tekton.dev/release: v0.25.0

Enabling Keyless Signing Mode

To enable singing with Fulcio, run:

kubectl patch configmap chains-config -n tekton-chains -p='{"data":{"signers.x509.fulcio.enabled": "true"}}'

PubSub Storage Backend Support

Support for PubSub storage backend was introduced in chains. The first PubSub provider implementation is Kafka, and more may follow in the future.


To enable the Kafka backend run:

kubectl patch configmap chains-config -n tekton-chains -p='{"data": {storage.pubsub.provider": "kafka","storage.pubusub.topic": "chains", "storage.pubsub.kafka.bootstrap.servers":"kafka-0.kafka-headless.default.svc.cluster.local:9092"}}'

Note that the storage.pubsub.kafka.bootstrap.servers value needs to be adjusted to point to the list of bootstrap servers your cluster is connected to.

Last modified January 1, 0001