Authentication for Chains

Authentication must be set up to take advantage of the following features in Chains:

  • Pushing signatures to an OCI registry after signing an image
  • Using Fulcio to get Signing Certificates when utilizing Keyless signing.

This doc will cover how to set this up!

Authenticating to an OCI Registry

The Chains controller will use the same service account your Task runs under as credentials for pushing signatures to an OCI registry. This section will cover how to set up a service account that has the necessary credentials.

Set the namespace and name of the Kubernetes service account:

export NAMESPACE=<your namespace>
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME=<service account name>

Create a Secret based on existing credentials

If you already ran docker login, you can copy the credentials stored in config.json into Kubernetes.

Note: Make sure that any external credentials store, such as the native keychain of the operating system, is not used to store the credentials and the config.json is of the format:

  "auths": {
    "<registry>": {
      "auth": "redacted"

Create a secret with config.json:

kubectl create secret generic docker-registry \
    --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path/to/.docker/config.json> \

More details around creating this secret can be found here.

Create a Secret by providing credentials on the command line

First, you will need access to credentials for your registry (they are in a file called credentials.json in this example). Next, create a Docker config type Kubernetes secret, which will contain the credentials required to push signatures:

Then, create a .dockerconfig type secret:

kubectl create secret docker-registry registry-credentials \ \
  --docker-username=_json_key \ \
  --docker-password="$(cat credentials.json)" \

More details around creating this secret can be found here.

Grant access to the service account

Finally, give the service account access to the secret above:

kubectl patch serviceaccount $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME \
  -p "{\"imagePullSecrets\": [{\"name\": \"registry-credentials\"}]}" -n $NAMESPACE

Now, Chains has push permissions for any TaskRuns running under the service account $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME.

Authenticating to Fulcio for Keyless signing

The default deployment will work against public Fulcio assuming it is installed into an EKS or GKE cluster. You will just need to add the following to chains-config ConfigMap data section in the tekton-chains namespace:

  "signers.x509.fulcio.enabled": "true"

Specifying a custom Fulcio endpoint

If you are running your own instance of Fulcio, you need to further configure Fulcio for this. You need to additionally point Chains to your fulcio instance by adding this to chains-config. In this case, it’s a local k8s service, but you will need to change the URL to point to your Fulcio instance.

  "signers.x509.fulcio.address": "http://fulcio.fulcio-system.svc"

Specifying Spiffe as authentication provider

If you are using Spiffe to authenticate to Fulcio, you will need to configure your Chains Deployment to fetch the SVID from the Spire agent. This requires mounting the Agent socket, specifying an environmental variable (if not using the default of /tmp/spire-agent/public/api.sock).

For VolumeMount, replace the k8s SA token, or add if you use it for something else the following to tekton-chains-controller container volumeMounts section:

        - name: spiffe-workload-api
          mountPath: /run/spire/sockets/agent.sock
          readOnly: true

Specify (if necessary) the non-default Agent socket, by adding the following to the tekton-chains-controller env section:

          value: "/run/spire/sockets/agent.sock"

And finally, adding the volume for the Spiffe workload API by adding this to deployment volumes section:

      - name: spiffe-workload-api
          path: /run/spire/sockets/agent.sock

Last modified January 1, 0001